Kidney Disease Education Services
Utilization of pre-ESRD Kidney Disease Education (KDE) services is associated with significantly greater home dialysis utilization among patients with kidney disease. KDE recipients had twice the odds of initiating dialysis with home modalities (15.0% vs. 6.9%). As a result, East Bay Nephrology has created an education program called “Master Kidneys” that comprise 6 one-hour sessions of educational classes to enhance the knowledge of CKD patients.
CKD4 or CKD5 patients or patients during the first 6 months of ESRD are referred to Master Kidneys. The classes can be individual or in group sessions. These classes are distinct from Kidney SMART or KidneyCare 365 which can be utilized in addition to Master Kidneys.
East Bay Nephrology utilizes Nephrology Care Alliance Educational Videos and Handouts for 4 sessions of KDE and the two other sessions will focus on Nutrition and Conservative Care Management. The classes are provided by our trained physicians, Nurse practitioners and dietitians. The NCA modules include topics like, understanding kidney disease, managing kidney disease, when kidney disease gets worse, choices for treating kidney failure. Patient’s understanding will be evaluated at the end of each session.
EBNMG have also started KDE for those who crash-land in the hospitals and need education for either Urgent Start PD or Hemo. This program is through Davita or Fresenius educators and is done remotely through audiovisual aids and educational materials.
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